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This Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor returns a signal when it detects an object in range. The range of the sensor is around 2-40 cm is distance. It operates at 3.5 to 5 volts at around 20 milliamps. The Obstacle Avoidance Sensors usually come in two types - with 3 and 4 pins. The 3 pin version does not have the ability to be enabled/disabled. The 4 pin version has optional Enable pin. Infrared obstacle avoidance sensor is designed to detect obstacles or the difference in reflective services. One application is to help a wheeled robot avoid obstacles with a sensor to react to adjustable distance settings. This device has an infrared transmitter and receiver, that forms the sensor pair. The transmitter LED emits a certain frequency of infrared, which the receiver LED will detect. The receiving LED will detect some of the signal back and will trigger the digital on/off “signal” pin when a specific threshold “distance” has been detected. Most boards will have 2 potentiometers, one of which is to adjust how sensitive the sensor is. You can use it to adjust the distance from the object at which the sensor detects it. Typically, the other potentiometer, which changes the transmitter IR frequency is not adjusted.
Here we use the obstacle avoidance module and a digital interface, built-in 13 LED build a simple circuit, making avoidance warning lamp, the obstacle avoidance Sensor Access Digital 3 interface, when obstacle avoidance sensor senses a signal, LED light, and vice versa off.
int Led = 13 ;// define LED Interface
int buttonpin = 3; // define the obstacle avoidance sensor interface
int val ;// define numeric variables val
void setup ()
pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ;// define LED as output interface
pinMode (buttonpin, INPUT) ;// define the obstacle avoidance sensor output interface
void loop ()
val = digitalRead (buttonpin) ;// digital interface will be assigned a value of 3 to read val
if (val == HIGH) // When the obstacle avoidance sensor detects a signal, LED flashes
digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);
digitalWrite (Led, LOW);
Data Sheet: Proximity Sensor
AdaFruit: IR Distance Sensor.
Tutorial: Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
YouTube: Using basic Infrared sensor for distance measurement
YouTube: IR Proximity Sensor / Obstacle Detector circuit on Breadboard